Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life and School

Fall semester has begun. Life is interesting. Those sweet, warm summer days that we savored are almost completely behind us, and it's not easy to let go.

I tend to get nervous when fall comes. I don't know what it is exactly, but I'd guess it has to do with "back to school" anxiety. Even though I don't have to endure the sheer terror of middle- and high-school ever again, the worry still returns to me automatically each fall. That's not to say that college isn't hard, but it doesn't cause the same stress.

I'm moving up in school. Instead of taking silly classes like math and English 1010, I'm now getting into real English courses, or what one might call "upper division" classes. How about a class called Modern English Grammars? Or even one called Advanced Literary Theory? Well, both are on the menu for this sememster, and I think I'm going to have a lot on my plate.

Dave, on the other hand, will probably have a lot of fun this semester. He's getting into stuff that he is really going to use when he starts teaching. He's taking a class about PE, and another where he'll learn how to get hired as a teacher. I'm excited for him!

So that's our little "update" on life and school.

Also, I recently realized something about Dave and me. We always seem to get into stuff at least 2 years after it has already been popular. For instance, our game systems are all outdated compared to whatever is new these days (not that we play that many games, but still, I'm trying to make a point here). We finally gave in to the cell-phone obsession years after everyone else already had them, and we still don't have unlimited texts or anything like that. We don't have video iPods, or even iPods at all...just our little 1-gig mp3 players, which most would laugh at. And of course, there is our most recent past-time: watching "The Office." It was new 3 years ago, but we have only just started to watch it and discover it's sweet, sweet goodness. We finished the 2nd season last night...and we LOVE it! :) Hopefully we'll have enough time to watch more before the semester really gets into full swing and we have zero time to do anything like that.

That's it for today. Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for The Office! And hey, don't feel bad - if you guys are two years behind, that must make me at least five years behind...I still don't have cell phones or any kind of mp3 player and I never know what movies are popular or anything like that. I am way out of touch. I honestly don't know how people keep up, and that makes me feel really old.

I'm almost jealous of you going to school to take classes like Advanced Literary Theory. ALMOST. :)

J said...

oh, i am eager to welcome back michael scott and the rest of the clan to our thursday night regimen! it's the only show we actually take time out of our lives to watch!
on another note, i feel you on the anxiety stuff. i like fall, but it gives me anxiety too because that means winter is just around the corner, and THAT means lots of cold, dark, dreary, depressing days ahead....
good luck with the semester though. at least you're taking some classes you'll actually enjoy and maybe even benefit from, eh?