Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What the heck, here's a post

It is the beloved week of finals, and let me tell you, it's not a picnic. I'm all done, myself, but the memory of the week shall forever stay with me, haunting me. Well, no, it wasn't that bad. For creative writing, my "final" was to bring something ready to submit to a literary magazine/journal. So packed up a few of my poems, all pretty in an envelope and ready to go. My math final wasn't so nice. It was your typical math final, you know? There are so many things to remember from the beginning of the semester that there was NO WAY I was going to be able to recall everything. Plus, I don't have the greatest memory... Anyway, I finished the test, and I think I may have passed. I then proceeded directly to the bookstore, where I was grateful beyond words to hand in my crap-happy textbook for a fistful of cash. Nice. I guess we can go to dinner to celebrate the end of the semester without guilt!

Dave is still pushing along through his finals. He techincally gets the summer off from school, except for one math class. I might take a class, too, if funds permit.

What else? Oh -- we want to go camping soon. I haven't been since girls' camp in young women. We would probably just go for one night, though, so it wouldn't be the same. I can't say I've ever been a big fan of girls' camp. I mean, for the first day or maybe two it's fun, but then your hair is all greasy and there are no showers, and that is NOT okay. Everyone stinks and I'll tell you, you're in pretty close quarters with the other girls in your tent. So a camping trip where I can say "Okay, let's go home now" would be terrific.


Larissa said...

Hey, if you need to borrow or tent or anything let me know!

My finals are almost done and then we have to party hard to celebrate! woo!

J said...

no showers at girls camp? that sucks. we had showers, indoor toilets, a swimming pool, and instead of tents, we stayed in cabins. yeah, we were really roughing it....

we've been wanting to go camping too! we should totally plan a trip together. make a big fire, eat tinfoil dinners, sing songs....c'mon it would be great!

Anonymous said...

are you guys going to stay the night after the party? we were thinking about camping in our backyard. that could be fun. camping for the cheap and car-less. :)

J said...

ooh that's nice...

a party we're not invited to. :)

Steve said...

Heya, I'm the owner of ForgottenPA; thanks so much for the plug! You guys have a great blog here -- kinda sound like my wife and I =P

We went camping in Vermont last summer; no showers, no real food (pizza and marshmallows) and a nice hard camping spot to sleep on :\ At least it was chilly in August!

Karen said...

Hey, thanks for the comment, Al Ebaster!