And OH YEAH, it was amazing!
We took off Wednesday afternoon and drove. And drove. And DROVE SOME MORE, believe it or not. The trip to Phoenix takes roughly 9 hours if you don't hit bad traffic, crappy weather, or have to stop a million times, which wasn't an issue since it was just the two of us. Plus, the weather was great and the roads were traffic-free. We spent much of the time driving in the dark. We arrived midnight or something like that, said hi to my parents and the kitty cats, Ralph and Midnight, then went to bed.

(We're eating at the famous Wendy's in Beaver. Apparently, the water in that town was voted 'best tasting' in the U.S. I don't know, it tasted pretty normal to me...)

(Some typical scenery on the trip up. It's very beautiful, but believe it or not it becomes repetitious after an hour or two.)
I'm jealous. I need to boycott your blog for a day or two...
I suppose that's fair... :)
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